Ciranova Pink Blocker 2C
Ciranova Pink Blocker 2C is a water-based reactive stain that neutralizes the pink tones found is some wood species, such as red oak. It can also be used on wood types that do not contain tannins.
Ciranova Pink Blocker 2C is a water-based reactive stain which neutralizes the pink appearance of wood. Use as a pre-treatment to reduce the natural red and pink tones found in some woods before finishing. It can also be used on wood types which do not contain tannin.
- Neutralizes the pink appearance of certain wood species.
- Perfect for use on red oak.
- Pink Blocker does not protect wood, therefore, it needs to be finished with a finishing oil.
- Part A and Part B are included in each order.
Read our article about Neutralizing Red Tones for more information.
Make sure that all old finish coats are completely removed and that the floor is free from dust and other dirt. Can be used on sanded, planned and brushed wood. Pre-wetting the wood can reduce the risk of overlapping.
- Mix the PINK BLOCKER CLEAR with the PINK BLOCKER STAIN in a ratio of 1/1.
- Apply the product evenly with a sprayer, roller or brush and then even out with a brush, T-bar or mop.
- Pink Blocker can “pop” the grain, so it is suggested that you smooth out the surface after the full reaction time with a buffing pad.
- Allow pink blocker to react - at least 6 hours.
- Afterward, the surface should be made dust-free, prior to finishing with an oil finish or waterborne finish from the Ciranova® range.
A stain can be applied afterward, and a finish on top.
This product is not a finish, it needs to be protected, with a Ciranova finish product.
Download Ciranova Pink Blocker 2C TDS
Case: 4 x 5 L
Cleaning: water
Coverage: 160-220 sq.ft./L
Disposal: Dispose of residue and empty packaging in accordance with local ordinances
Drying Times: +/- 12 hours
Mixing Ratio: 50/50
Potlife: After mixing, the product remains usable for +/- 4 weeks.
Product Type: waterborne
Sanding Grit: P 100-120
Shelf Life: 18 months in the original and unopened packaging
Storage/Transport: between 41°F and 77°F