Rubio Monocoat Refresh Eco
Depending on wear and tear, RMC Refresh Eco can be applied several times a year at certain areas. This may be necessary if the surface feels dry.
RMC Refresh Eco is not pigmented. To restore the color, use RMC Oil Plus 2C in the color with which the surface area was treated
- Can apply multiple times a year in certain areas
- easy use
- pigment free
- Clean the surface with RMC Soap or RMC Surface Care.
- Spray RMC Refresh Eco on the surface area: to avoid sticky floors, make sure you don’t use too much product.
- Wipe the treated area dry with a microfiber cloth. Make sure that all stains and stripes are no longer visible.
- Walkable after 1 hour.
1 L = +/- 100 m2 These usages are merely indicative. It is always recommended to make a sample in order to calculate the exact usage.
Summarized specifications, please read TDS before using product.
Spread Rate: ~1000 ft²/L
Cure Time: 6 hours
VOC Content: 0%
Dilutable: No
Shelf Life: 12 months
Warning: Do not allow to freeze