VOC Free

VOC's Explained
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) is a term used to refer to organic chemical compounds that evaporate while drying (volatile). Products that contain VOCs release vapors during use and storage that are often harmful to both humans and the environment. According to the EPA, studies have found the levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors.
Not only can contact cause breathing problems, eye, nose, and throat, irritation, and kidney, liver, and nervous damage, VOCs also amplify the greenhouse effect, damage the ozone layer, and contaminate groundwater.
0% VOC
Because of these dangers, governments have internationally placed restrictions on the concentrations of VOCs present in and used in the manufacture of products. Although many products advertise an eco-friendly formula, Rubio Monocoat offers the first and the only oil that is truly a 0% VOC product. Three years before the first VOC legislation was put into effect, Rubio Monocoat had already set forth strict emission norms and committed to producing products completely free of VOCs. Rubio Monocoat's revolutionary molecular bonding technology ensures workability and exemplary quality without the harmful effects or damage to the environment. Rubio Monocoat's products have no effect on indoor air quality and do not contain:
- Formaldehyde
- Ammonia
- Acetone
- Solvents
- Preservatives
- Odor-masking agents
- Chemical residuals
- Heavy metal drying agents:
- Arsenic
- Beryllium
- Chromium
- Cadmium
- Nickel
- Lead
Rubio Monocoat does contain:
- Natural Plant Oils
- Modified Plant Oils
- Natural Waxes
- Modified Natural Waxes
- Non-aromatic Hydrocarbons – 0% VOC
- Lead-free Catalytic Dryers
- Organic Pigments
This is why Rubio Monocoat Natural Oil Finish is the leading plant-based, environmentally responsible, sustainable, nonpolluting, single-coat, durable wood finish.
Why Are VOCs Still Used?
Unfortunately, manufacturers continue to use VOCs despite their harmful effects. While they may reduce VOC content as much as possible, many products depend on VOCs in their production process or use. For instance, most traditional wood-finishing products would have little to no workability without VOCs. VOCs are present in a variety products such as paint, wood-finishing products, lacquers, hydraulic fluids, petroleum fuels, adhesives, pesticides, cleaning supplies, building materials, furniture, and electronic equipment such as printers.